Thursday, January 3, 2008

Any thoughts?

So if you look really closely at the sidebar, at the picture of little Liam running at the camera? In the background you can see me and Greg, I am wearing a white skirt and holding Aoife, and we're between two big pine trees. That's where we got married. Behind me you might be able to make out a tiny little chair. We had ourselves photographed there by my sweet cousin, the illustrious and industrious Sabrina Ward Harrison, on our 5th wedding anniversary, and the empty chair is for Charlotte. Just wanted to point that out. It wouldn't fit on the caption line :)
But the real reason for this posting is this: I would like some help. So much that I'll even tell you just for today what my e-mail address is, just in case you don't want to post a comment and just want to tell me privately your innermost thoughts. So here's the question now, and it's for those of you who have lost a baby.
What was missing for you among all the books you read? What was your favorite bereavement book, what did it do for you, and what else did you CRAVE? Like for me, I wanted a book that was well written, but could also be my friend. I craved the stories of other women like me, but not in such detail that it freaked me out. I needed to know about this much, but not too much. I loved Empty Cradle Broken Heart, but I wanted to know MORE about the people who were quoted saying precisely the things I was thinking.
I am asking you this because I am "working" on a book, very slowly, with another writer and wer are currently putting together our very detailed outline from which to really dig in and I really would LOVE to capitalize on this potential opportunity to cater this book precisely to what people felt like they needed (or need as the case may be).
So thanks. I hope to hear from a few of you.

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