Tuesday, September 23, 2008


It has to be said, today at 6:43 , that this morning after 8 hours of sleep I arose just past five o'clock. The rabbit hadn't fallen over and had eaten his food (I've postponed the death visit to the vet, hence). I unpacked the four bags, sorted and folded the clean laundry, and started the dirty laundry. I cleaned up my room, swept the downstairs, and made the lunches. The bathroom floor has been washed.
The day is open to me now, and I feel full of promise. It is truly amazing what a good night's sleep can do, along with axing some of the things off your list that are dragging you down. I'm now skipping off to re-organize and sort the playroom in the few moments I may (or may not) get before my sleeping children arise. Then we'll read books, eat the cinnamon buns we baked yesterday, and begin the day anew.


Taking Heart said...

you write so lovely and whimsical... have I said that before? did i spell it right at this early hour?

your jolly writing reminds me of a children's poem... like Winnie the Pooh... i imagine that you and your children are going to have tea and crumpets for breakfast, before you gallop off into your magical garden to look for a new adventure...

enjoy the day!

Meg said...

I'm so glad the bunny's doing better. I am also glad today is a better day for you.