"It's safe to say that the No.1 worry for most preg.nant women is pain during labor".
This, scribed by the pen of the editor of my magazine of choice both to love and deeply despise, Mother.ing magazing. (sept/oct 2009, p. 10)
And my response to this?
I only wish.
Imagine if all we had to "worry" about was the pain of the actual birth? How absolutely, completely SIMPLE! To imagine something so mundane causing actual fear for someone causes me to imagine that such a person doesn't actually know what there really is to worry about. (which fills me with envy, bien sur)
But I do.
So, Peggy, you want another article from me? Cause I'll write one about what the number one worry of some of us underrepresented mamas really is.
(not that a single one of your readers would care to read it).
...........and I'd be happy to help you write it!!!!!
I'd want read it - in a heartbeat. Your first article left me on the floor in tears, newly aware of how precarious my supposed happiness was and still is. Mothering needs that honesty.
Hey, I'd read it! (Well technically I don't read Mothering magazine, because I don't read *any* magazines, because I'm too cheap to buy them...)
I would definitely want to read it. I love everything you write and I appreciate everyone who writes about baby loss. I don't look at Mothering magazine very often (just occasionally, at the library) and I think they could use a LOT more stories about baby loss to reflect and honor the full experience of so many mothers.
You already know what I think about Mothering Magazine. The best thing they've ever printed was your story.
P.S. I wrote two other posts before this one and deleted them because maybe some people like Mothering Magazine!
OMG, I saw that article and that was the VERY FIRST thing I thought! Pain during labor is the biggest concern?????? Yeah...whatever.
I, personally, had a different concern.
I too would read it!!! Write it Mama!
I'd read your article, too.
I think about this probably more than I should. Maybe pain is the fear most (and what I wouldn't give to be included in that "most") pregnant women can admit to. It's hard to acknowledge that your baby can die until you have no choice.
Wow. I've never lost a child but I can honestly say that pain ranked nowhere near the top of my worries list. I don't think it was even in my top twenty. And judging by the number of women I see coming in to the labour and delivery unit because their baby hasn't moved in a number of hours, or they had gushing fluid at 20 weeks I would think that pain is no where on their list either.
I just sent a letter to Mothering...just so you know!
I had exactly the same reaction to that line.
Oh yeah, a collaborative effort wouldn't be out of the question!!
You are a strong voice for the 'rest of us' out here.
I dont think I remember what physical pain even feels like, let alone ever fear it again. Bring on the physical pain, please, it would be a nice break.
I have felt so many times like you....love and despise.
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